• Community seed and knowledge

    We work with women, men and elders in reviving local traditional knowledge for strengthening seed and food sovereignty and regenerate biodiversity

    Read our latest publication- The Seed Catalogue
  • Community ecological governance

    We use a nature-centred process to revive traditional knowledge, practices and governance systems to rebuild communities, livelihoods and ecosystem resilience in Africa.

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  • Youth culture and biodiversity

    We endeavour to connect young people with nature, culture and themselves. This deepening of knowledge helps them to build deeper awareness of who they are.

    Learn more
  • Advocacy and communication & network practice and development

    We strive to strengthen networking, communication and regional advocacy. We work with like-minded individuals and organisations to catalyse wider action and influence policy and public opinion on ecological and socio-economic issues that affect Africa.

    Learn more

About Us

The African Biodiversity Network (ABN) is an African network of individuals and organizations seeking African solutions to the ecological and socio-economic challenges that face the continent.

Our footprint

Currently, ABN has 41 partners drawn from 19 African countries: Benin, Botswana, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Burkina Faso, Rwanda, Central Africa Republic, Cameroon, Gabon, Morocco and Egypt.

Our horizon

We strive to grow and nurture an African network of individuals, communities, and organisations, increasingly rooted in their own biological, cultural and spiritual diversity. With the capability to govern their own lives and livelihoods.

168飞艇官网开奖计划2023-幸运飞行艇开奖历史记录 Invest in Our Planet: A Shared Responsibility for a Sustainable Future

The Earth Day 2023 theme is Invest in Our Planet, which is a call to action for everyone, including governments, business communities, and individual citizens. Our planet is facing a climate crisis, which poses multifaceted challenges to all life forms and ecosystems. This year’s theme, Invest in Our Planet, is an appropriate call for necessary action. This call would help governments and business communities, among others, to think about innovative ways of saving the planet by incorporating Indigenous Knowledge and practices into all aspects of development planning. Hence, all stakeholders should invest in providing technical and financial support.

168飞艇官网开奖查询结果直播视频 Editors of the ABN Barefoot Guide. The guide unpacks the philosophy of the ABN, whose tenets anchor the work of ABN and its partners in caring for the Earth.

The African Biodiversity Network (ABN), in collaboration with partners from most parts of Africa, has been taking actions for the last two decades. Significant investments have been made to promote sustainable land use practices, conservation of bio-cultural diversity, and support practices of indigenous communities, such as Community Ecological Governance and Intergenerational learning. The ABN also advocates for policies that promote sustainable development and creates networks of like-minded individuals and organizations to build community and ecosystem resilience, which is the basis for improved livelihoods in the course of prevailing climate crisis.

A call to action for business communities and individuals alike
Investing in our planet for ABN means taking action to mitigate the negative effects of harmful practices, such as carbon emissions and the release of greenhouse gases, eliminating all forms of pollution in the sea and on land, and protecting the rights of all beings to sustainably live in harmony with nature. It means developing innovative technologies through co-creation of knowledge between science and Indigenous Knowledge and embracing relevant practices that reduce the negative impact on the environment to preserve the delicate balance of nature. It also means advocating for policies that promote clean energy, protect wildlife, reduce waste, and take sustainable actions towards a substantiable future.

The ABN encourages business initiatives to prioritize sustainability in their operations and supply chains, invest in renewable energy, and reduce waste and pollution. By doing so, they not only contribute to a healthier planet but also create opportunities through new models of economic growth that sustain life on Earth for all. Evidence shows that companies engaged in sustainable practices are becoming more attractive to customers, investors, and employees who care about the environment and want to make a positive impact on the planet.

Individual citizens can also make a difference by investing in our planet and setting an example for others to follow. These initiatives by individuals could include reducing the use of plastics, practicing water conservation, managing waste, and walking or biking instead of driving, among others.

Creating an enabling policy environment for the well-being of Mother Earth
Governments also play a crucial role in investing in our planet Earth. They can introduce policies that incentivize sustainable practices, promote renewable energy, and protect natural habitats. They can also support research and development of new technologies that reduce our impact on the environment. By doing so, governments can create a regulatory environment that encourages businesses to prioritize sustainability and citizens to make more environmentally conscious choices.

On the commemoration of Earth Day 2023, themed “Invest in Our Planet,” let us be reminded that we must take action to protect our planet and leave a better world for future generations. By prioritizing sustainability in our businesses, governments, and personal lives, we can create a more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous world for all. ABN joins the world today in reminding everyone to take up the challenge and invest in our planet, leaving a healthy inheritance for future generations.

ABN’s statement on International Forests Day 21st March 2023-168飞艇官网开奖结果记录直播开奖网

On the occasion of International Forest Day, the African Biodiversity Network (ABN) and her partners would like to express our gratitude to all beings as part of the Earth community, ranging from microorganisms beneath the Earth‘s surface, in the sea or other forms of water bodies, in terrestrial landscapes, and in the atmosphere. Forests are an essential component of the planet’s ecosystem, providing shelter to a myriad of species of flora and fauna. These species and ecosystem services nourish soil fertility through the natural life cycle of growth and decay.

The vital role of forests in human health and well-being
ABN acknowledges forests as crucial spaces for biodiversity conservation at the genetic, species, and ecosystem levels. Forests play a crucial role in sustaining productivity through gene pool between wild crop relatives and domesticated seed varieties, thereby achieving global food sovereignty. Experience from the perspective of Indigenous and local peoples across the world shows that people living in nature and forest areas generally have better health conditions compared to those living in cities where different forms of pollution prevail. Numerous studies have also highlighted the health benefits of spending time in forests[1]. For example, research published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that forest therapy, which involves spending time in natural settings, can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Similarly, a study conducted by the University of East Anglia found that living near green spaces, including forests, can improve mental health and well-being.

Forests contribute to physical health by providing clean air and water. According to the World Health Organization (WHO)[2], approximately 2.2 million deaths each year are attributable to unsafe water, sanitation, and hygiene, highlighting the importance of forests in maintaining healthy water resources. This scenario can be significantly reversed if emphasis is given to afforestation practices since forests are critical for maintaining clean water systems essential for human health.

[1] http://www.fao.org/forestry/indigenous-peoples/en/

[2] https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/water-sanitation-hygiene-and-health

A community collaborating with Green Development Advocates (GDA) on afforestation initiatives to alleviate the effects of climate change. GDA is an ABN partner in Cameroon.
Photo credit: GDA

Forests are under threat
Despite the numerous health benefits of forests, they are under threat from deforestation, primarily driven by commercial logging and agricultural expansion. Deforestation leads to habitat destruction, loss of biodiversity, and increased carbon emissions, which contributes to climate change. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that climate change will lead to an increase in vector-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever, as well as air pollution-related illnesses[3].

To address these challenges, ABN and her partners in the network, such as Green Development Advocates (GDA) in Cameroon, Muyissi in Gabon, AFRICE and NAPE in Uganda, ICE, MEAP, and RIDEP in Kenya, ISD, MELCA, and PELUM in Ethiopia, Usiko and EarthLore in South Africa, and PELUM Zimbabwe, GRABE-Benin and CEVASTE in Benin among other partners, are promoting sustainable forest management practices that prioritize both environmental and human health. For example, these organizations and like-minded  partners collaborate with communities to raise awareness of the linkages between forests and human health. They also lobby and advocate for policies and practices that support sustainable forest management. Such conservation approaches seek to improve the health of forests, which has a ripple effect on human health in forested regions.

On this International Forest Day, we extend sincere appreciation to all of our partners who have worked tirelessly to plant relevant tree species adoptive to the local ecosystem and restore degraded landscapes across Africa. Your commitment and dedication to the health and vitality of our forests is truly inspiring. As we celebrate the progress we have made in restoring and protecting our forests, we must also remember the commitments made by our governments to afforest the African continent. We urge all governments to prioritize their efforts towards reforestation and work towards meeting their obligations to protect our forests.

[3] https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2018/02/WGIIAR5-Chap11_FINAL.pdf

Vegetation cover is critical for conservation of biodiversity
Increasing vegetation cover is not only crucial for the conservation of biodiversity but also for mitigating soil erosion. The loss of fertile soil due to erosion is a threat to food sovereignty, and it is our responsibility to protect and manage our natural resources to ensure that future generations can thrive in a healthy environment. The benefits of protecting and restoring forests go beyond human health and well-being. Forests are also a critical component in mitigating climate change, as they absorb and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) recognizes the important role of forests in climate change mitigation, and has established programs such as REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) to support sustainable forest management practices. By protecting and restoring forests, we can contribute to both human well-being and the health of the planet. Let us all work together towards a sustainable future for Africa and the world.

Furthermore, we encourage individuals to educate themselves on the importance of forests and the impact of deforestation on the planet. By increasing awareness and taking personal actions such as reducing paper and wood consumption, supporting sustainable forestry practices, and advocating for policies that protect forests, we can all contribute to a healthier and more sustainable future.

Let us all work together towards a sustainable future for Africa, and celebrate the International Forests Day with a renewed commitment to the health and vitality of our forests.


Celebrating International Women’s Day

On International Women‘s Day, the African Biodiversity Network joins the world in celebrating women’s contribution to food sovereignty and building resilient communities in Africa. This year’s theme, DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality, highlights the importance of embracing digital technology to help overcome the challenges facing the world today. Equipping women with digital technologies further prepares them to play their role in enhancing productivity and contributing to the UN SDGs of No poverty (SDG 1), Zero Hunger (SDG 2) and promotion of Gender equality (SDG 5).

A mixed farmer from Ghana practicing agro-ecological farming methods under the mentorship of RAINS, an ABN partner.
Photo credit: ABN

2023官方开奖直播新版飞艇开奖结果-开奖记录手机版-手机app开奖直播视频-Women, technology, and food sovereignty: Building community resilience in Africa

The African Biodiversity Network (ABN) recognizes the vital role of women in achieving food sovereignty and enhancing living in harmony with nature. As part of this effort, the network has embraced digital technologies as a pathway to reach diverse audiences and is committed to build the capacities of the partners in the network on the effective interactions on the digital platforms. ABN believes in women’s contribution to household and communities’ resilience as knowledge holders of seeds and agriculture. Accompanying women in the use of appropriate technology and innovation to adopt to the changing global technological paradigm shift is a necessity. There are many opportunities of sharing knowledge by accessing such pathways through digital platforms, crucial for achieving food sovereignty and resilient communities in Africa.

Digital technology could further food sovereignty agenda
Digital technology has been instrumental in sharing information and knowledge in agriculture further enhancing women’s productivity. Mobile phones and social media platforms have enabled women to access information on weather patterns, market prices, and farming techniques, leading to increased yields and improved income. Guided by ABN’s philosophy on proper use of technology, the network has sagaciously engaged in digital platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp platforms.

Using such digital platforms has continued to enable communities to share experiences across Africa regardless of distance. Such an experience of sharing knowledge through digital platforms has an effective methodology to the communities. The ABN’s Facebook internal report in 2022 shows that 25% of women engage in the platform. This is an indication that continued capacity building of women on the use of digital technology would further increase their participation in virtual environment discourses concerning their wellbeing.


Furthermore, digital platforms continue to allow women to connect and form networks, enabling collective action towards food sovereignty. Research indicates that “women’s collective action through social networks can help them achieve greater agency and collective voice, leading to better access to resources, services, relevant institutions, and improved well-being” (van Wijk et al., 2020, p. 6). For instance, the African Women Leaders in Agriculture and Environment (AWLAE) platform has connected women across Africa, enabling them to share knowledge, experiences on sustainable agriculture, climate change adaptation, and gender-responsive policies.

Governments and organizations should recognize and support women’s role in food production, distribution, and consumption. By promoting gender equality even in digital dispensation, creates opportunities for women’s participation in decision-making processes and collaborating to enhance their technology absorption skills and meaningful engagement. Investing in digital technologies and promoting women’s active participation contributes to communities’ resilience and food systems, thereby achieving food sovereignty and communities living in harmony with nature in Africa.

Our seed catalogue is now out

2023幸运168飞艇官网开奖视频About this publication

This Seed Catalogue is the product of a three-and-a-half-year project of reviving farmers’ seed diversity and associated practices of indigenous knowledge. Its aim is to contribute to the wider process of ensuring food sovereignty and improved livelihoods in Africa through strengthening the ability of local communities to save and preserve biodiversity.

The project began in 2018 and was implemented in 4 African countries – Ethiopia, Benin, Ghana and Zimbabwe – in collaboration with partners of the African Biodiversity Network (ABN), with financial support from Bread for the World. Contributing partners were the Institute for Sustainable Development (ISD – Ethiopia), Center for Experimentation and Promotion of Agroecology, Endogenous Sciences and Techniques (CEVASTE – Benin), Regional Advisory Information & Network Systems (RAINS – Ghana) and EarthLore (Zimbabwe).

The development of the Seed Catalogue is one of the defined targets that has been achieved by the project. It began as part of the Training of Trainers session held in mid- January 2019 by the ABN Secretariat in Ethiopia, where partners were trained on how to register diverse seeds with their respective varieties and a range of benefits. The Seed Catalogue has thus evolved over the three and half years through an intense process of continuous follow up between the ABN secretariat, involved partners and their communities.

新幸运飞行艇官方开奖记录 An overview of our thematic areas

Community Seed and Knowledge
One of the common pressures faced by the ABN, and the rural communities with whom the partner organisations work, has been the tremendous push from governments and corporations to use hybrid and increasingly, genetically-modified seeds, which require costly inputs like fertilizers.

Community Ecological Governance
We recognise that elders within the community play a vital role in upholding the ecological knowledge and customs practiced over generations which maintain the well-being of Sacred Natural Sites, ecosystems, territories and local communities.

Youth Culture and Biodiversity
The Youth, Culture and Biodiversity  thematic area of ABN aims to deepen peoples’ sense of belonging, with one another and with the earth in order to restore confidence eroded over years of marginalisation of indigenous ecological knowledge and practices.

Advocacy & communication
We aim to strengthen networking, communication and regional advocacy. We work with likeminded individuals and organisations to catalyse wider actions and influence policy and public opinion on ecological and socio-economic issues that affect Africa.

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